MongoDB Guide

Information on how to access MongoDB Atlas

Installation steps for MongoDB Compass

General instructions on how to install MongoDB Compass locally can be found on the MongoDB Compass site.

Using MongoDB Compass

In order to use MongoDB Compass locally, you'll need to create a new user from the MongoDB Atlas web interface.

After you log in, click on Database Access on the left, then Add new database user on the right.

Create a new user to give yourself access to the database using MongoDB Compass.

Once you've done this, you'll have a username and password that MongoDB Compass can use to connect you to the database.

Click on Database on the left, and the connect button in the middle.

Select the bottom option, Connect using MongoDB Compass, copy the connection string.

Open your local version of MongoDB Compass, click on the New Connection button and add your connection string to the URI.

You can now access your database locally.

Installation steps for MacOS

This installation guide is written for MacOS Monterey 12.3 (21E230). Keep in mind that MacOS often makes sweeping changes per major version

This guide will use Homebrew to install the required packages. In the event that you already have Homebrew on your system (Can be verified by running brew --version) then skip to Installing.

In order to install Homebrew run in a terminal:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

After that, verify correct installation:

brew --version

Installing MongoDB Compass for MacOS

Run in a terminal after installing Homebrew:

brew install --cask mongodb-compass

Then, check the /Applications/ or the Launchpad for the MongoDB Compass App